• Personal Growth

    Things I’ve Come Across

    It’s amazing to me that I can often find myself wandering the myriad of inspirational quotes, posts, and articles that are strewn all over the internet. I rarely do it mindlessly, but often as a way to draw inspiration into my own life. Here’s a couple of things that I have come across, but would like to put into this online journal for my own wonder when I look back at this year 2023. Here’s an example of something that came across my screen, that I just had to put down here. Wanting a reminder of simple wisdoms that seem obvious enough, if only it were front of mind at…

  • Personal Growth

    Courage Is A Muscle

    Like most things in life, the more you use it the easier a skill can become. Courage is such a skill. I can truly attest to this. Many people will be surprised that courage in itself is a skill, because to many it is a one time action that is something that many people instinctively are or they aren’t. The first misnomer is that courage is an attribute that some people either have or don’t have. But if you truly think about it. courage is pursuing any action despite of our inherent fear in moving forward. But anyone can remember a time in their lives that they just chose to…

  • Personal

    A New Year. A Renewed House

    With 2023 already here, I’m always a big proponent of keeping things simple: and nothing makes a bigger impact than simplifying our home. Here’s something I came across Facebook that I’d like to keep here as a reminder to myself, of THINGS that can bog down our own creativity, our own peace of mind, and our own well being. Attachment to worldly THINGS is one real challenge that I try to work on, because nothing in this life is permanent, and many THINGS take us away from receiving even more blessings… Many of these things are self evident, probably tackled in many organizing blogs, books, and articles. But, this is…